The Sambataro Gallery:
 Still Life

  Still Life Paintings

It's nice to paint things that "Don't Move"... One of the most important things an artist can learn is to "Truly See," and painting a still life subject allows you to do just that. It takes a unique type of practice to learn to observe the many subtleties we see every day right in front of us; but an artist must, if he (or she) is to become accomplished. It is truly the difference between a professional artist and one who is not.

Sometimes certain things just catch your eye when you're an artist. This still life, T-Pot, that was set up at a painting class in my senior year at college, did just that! I spent many extra hours working on how to capture the reflections and highlights of the silver teapot, until I felt I had painted it the best I could. It was a great exercise in discipline to stay with it and not give up; a must for any artist that wants to become a professional.
'T' - Pot
Chateau Dessault
Chateau Dessault - from the Wine Series by Sambataro
Two Bottles
Two Bottles - from the Wine Series by Sambataro
Terrace at Vitiano
Terrace at Vitiano - from the Wine Series by Sambataro
Floral Array
Floral Array
Angel Wings
Angel Wings, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Harrisoniae, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Purple Rain
Purple Rain, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Garden Bells
Garden Bells, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Marvelous, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Starburst, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series
Rubellum, from Sambataro's new Floral Expressions series